Can I have your attention please? I have an announcement…

Tomorrow afternoon something exciting is arriving! It reminds me of another fortuitous fortune cookie message from yes, my favorite Dim Sum restaurant, received right before Thanksgiving:

Tomorrow we are officially releasing the Institutional Positioning Guidelines website in an email to Bryn Mawr faculty and staff! (Well that’s great, Samara, but what is that?)

Loyal blog readers will recall earlier posts this year where we described all the great new updates for our visual identity, and the development of new messaging and other verbal guidelines. Well now it’s all been finalized, the project is completed, and Communications is launching a website with all the guidelines for your use.


In addition to guidelines for design and messaging to guide your communications work, we will also be launching a self-service logo downloads area. If you are looking for a college logo, an academic school/program logo, or the logo of the units that report to the president (and their direct reports), you will be able to find them on the guidelines website. (Some logos are still in progress, so email us at if we’re missing something you’re looking for.)

It feels great to finally release this work to the campus to guide any internal or external communications and marketing work you might be doing. Everything Communications does from this point forward will be using these guidelines. It took a Bryn Mawr village, and the many hardworking people from our external partner SimpsonScarborough, to get us to this point. Thank you for your continued support and interest. Our work doesn’t end here, though: now we have to live the work in all the ways we communicate. We will be scheduling smaller group sessions to help units learn how to use this work, but drop us an email if you have any immediate questions.

We’re also steaming along on the new PowerPoint themed template deck. Our designer had a question about the footer, and I’d love your feedback.

Some of the text-based slides will have a permanent footer (on the bottom!) Which do you like the best of the below options? I’m leaning toward one of the bottom four, but what is your preference? Send me an email and tell me why by this weekend