This week, SimpsonScarborough was heads down working on revisions to the Positioning Platform from feedback we delivered last week. This is conceptual language to help evoke the emotional connection people have to Bryn Mawr. It will help support the outward-facing language and creative work yet to come.
On Monday, February 26th, representatives from SimpsonScarborough will be back to campus to present the final form of this language. As promised, I am extending the first invitation you, our loyal project blog club, to join our faculty/staff session that afternoon to receive a first-hand look at the Positioning Platform work and meet some of our partners on this project. Any Trustees following along hopefully will be part of our planned External Relations gatherings on this topic.
2/26 Faculty/ Staff presentation: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Guild Rm. 203 or Zoom
Please email us at to RSVP by 2/23 and let us know if you plan to join in person or remotely. In-person seating is limited. If you cannot join, there will be other opportunities for feedback during later phases as well.
The second half of this phase is the Integrated Experience Strategy, which will help govern ways we can unify how our community experiences Bryn Mawr. More on that in a few weeks.
Meanwhile, we begin phase three next month!
In case you are curious, on-campus training for all the deliverables is now scheduled to begin in July. So we have a lot of work to do between now and then to finalize everything but there is beautiful light at the end of this multi-lane road.